This Sons of Yamato Tank Bundle has a pile of tanks used by Japan during World War II and is a single .STL Download of 6 vehicles. This is a special bundle developed for the Sons of Yamato Kickstarter by Studio Historia and is available to the public.
Japanese Tanks
- Type 92 Jyu-Sokosha
- Type 97 Chi Ha
- Type 89 Yi Go
- Type 95 Ha Go
- Type 94 Tankette
- FT17 complete kit with the Type 79 Ko-Gata gun option
- Japanese Tank Crew
The .STL Files ARE NOT pre-supported! The user is required to support and troubleshoot the files for their 3D printing system.
Digital products do not count toward FREE Shipping or FREE Miniature of the Month promotions.
User Agreement may be found HERE.
Final Note - We are new to selling .STL downloads. We've been at this for about 10 years and have a large catalog, but we always used these files internally for model making. If you see something weird or aren't sure what you are looking at, drop us a note at service@trenchworx.com and we will help you out. We can't wait to see what you do with these models. Have Fun!